Meet Mercedes

From the time I was a child, my parents taught me that I could be of service to others regardless of what my circumstances were. I didn’t grow up with a lot, but with what we had, we fostered community and served one another - that lesson stuck with me and that’s what inspired me to run for Camp Hill Borough Council; it’s what’s inspiring me to run for the House of Representatives. This is a unique district, newly drawn just a few years ago and I’m running to represent both sides of the river that have historically been so divided. I’m running to fight for the issues that unite us, and champion the causes that can improve all our lives - things like addressing the affordable housing shortage, ensuring all of our public schools are fairly and equitably funded, and protecting reproductive healthcare rights.

My borough council experience has taught me that politics are local and constituents want a representative that will advocate for the resources that will improve their daily lives and that’s what I do now and will continue to do when I’m your state representative.

I have nearly 15 years of experience as an office administrator in the public and non-profit sectors. I graduated from the University of San Diego with a B.A. in Spanish Language and minor in Political Science. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking Mexican food and spending time with my husband William and my dog Honey and cat Jasper.